Friday, February 13, 2009

That feeling is coming back

I am in full mode to begin an art project. I haven't painted in quite some time and I'm overdo for to release some artistic flow. Seeing as it is a three day weekend and all, that is exactly how I will be spending my Monday. I'm heading out this weekend in search of supplies, any suggestions? I'm looking for quality products at a low low price, I know that sounds like a car ad. My inspiration will be life in general, it's ins and outs and ups and downs, I'll focus mostly on the ins and ups though. I like to stay in a positive frame. Hopefully next week, I will have some photos of the work I am attempting. Monday I will make a cup of tea or pour a glass of wine, put some Aretha on and then squeeze the paint out. After that, I will hopefully create a masterpiece and this blog will be taken to the next level. However you spend your weekend, remember to add some color!

Friday, February 6, 2009

this is probably one of my favorite pieces of art that i own. this was given to me by a very close friend and talented artist, david bluesky. he gave this to me shortly before tim and i moved to denver to mark the occasion. i like it messy. it says alot about being confused about things but somehow coming together with something beautiful. this image is actually not turned right side up, it should be hung lengthwise, but another great thing about art is: its yours and you can do what you want with it. but just to let you know, i generally like to keep the painting right side up for respect of the artist's vision and this piece has been returned to it's rightful position. i love color and i love tranquil caos and this piece offers both to me.